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More Information

This website is for artists to post their own artwork! Don't be shy! Register for free and get critiqe from other ArtMedia members! 


Lets get to the rules here :)

The basics:

We all know not to steal artwork from each other. I've seen it so many times, and don't wish it upon anyone! Make sure you don't do this, or us admins will have to terminate your account, or if you're lucky, we will leave you with a warning, and restrict you from doing certain things! :(


Nobody likes going through anything i just listed, so make sure you don't do anything like that, or you will be terminated.

Gorey Artwork!!!

I know that some people draw like this, which I don't personally do so... If you post anything in this category, please PLEASE give a gore warning, because there are/will be children on this website. I do NOT allow anything that is showing murder, abuse, etc, but if someone is just wounded and if it isn't that bad, then go ahead, (With a warning) If it will not horrify a minor, then it's all good!

Anything sexual!!!

Nothing like this is allowed! I don't want to see it here... NOW, If someone is naked in a piece of art, it's allowed, as long as it is not sexual.

Well, that's all I've got for now! Now what are you waiting for? Make an account and have fun!

Welcome To ArtMedia!

2020 ArtMedia

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